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NADA's Response To The Monetary Policy For The Fiscal Year 2078/79

In the 2078/79 monetary policy, it has been stated that the existing limit of loan collateral ratio for the purchase of electric vehicles will be maintained and refinancing will be made available for the loans flowing for the establishment of charging stations required for such vehicles. This is seen to bring some relief to the automobile traders.In the monetary policy, it has been stated that the debtors of public transport business in the areas most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic who had to pay the principal and interest liability by Poush 2078 has now been extended by one more year. It can now be paid in at least four installments.Similarly, an arrangement will be made for banks and financial institutions to provide an additional loan of up to Rs. 2 Lakh for the public vehicle businesses severely affected by the pandemic. Similarly, a loan amount of Rs 25 Lakh will be provided to needy people who want to run their business by purchasing vehicles.The monetary policy stipulates that the business continuity loan program will be effectively implemented for the revival of the transport sector, including industries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been said that banks and financial institutions will be able to extend the repayment period by reducing the installment amount after analyzing the debtors who have negative financial conditions and cash flow due to the pandemic. It seems that the industry and the transport sector, which are in crisis due to the pandemic, will also get relief from this.Similarly, the monetary policy will make arrangements to extend the payment period till Poush 2078 after assessing the financial status of the customers who have not been able to pay EMI or other due interests. It has also been stated that the Government of Nepal will make arrangements to provide loans at a base rate from banks and financial institutions to establish a recognized vaccine manufacturing industry for the treatment of epidemic diseases.It is seen that this will give an opportunity to the private sector to fulfill its social responsibility by producing vaccines. An overall evaluation of this monetary policy clearly shows the positive impact on the country's economy.

Mahindra ADMahindra AD
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